A child’s ability to understand spoken language develops over time with babies and small children understanding only key words in a sentence.  This builds throughout childhood as children understand more information and longer sentences.

By reducing the amount of language we use we allow children to understand language without help. Children need to understand words before they can use them accurately and meaningfully.


  • When commenting on the things you see around you, use key words e.g. ‘look, a bus!’ rather than ‘Can you see the big double decker bus?’. This will allow your child to hear the most important information.
  • Only give the most important information in your instructions. For example, instead of saying “Go get your shoes and put them on, we’re going out” try saying “shoes on”.
  • When it’s time to tidy up don’t say “pick up your toys put them away in the toy box” try saying “toys finished” or “bye toys” as you model putting them away.
  • If your child does something you are unhappy with use simple language to reinforce what you don’t want to happen, say “no hitting” rather than “I’ve told you not to hit other children as they won’t want to play with you”.
  • Try to make new and important words stand out by exaggerating them a little.
  • Think about using facial expression, gesture, pointing, or objects to help your child to know what you are talking about


Talking about everyday activities. For example, when you see a dog barking, show your child and say, “the dog’s barking”.

Doll play – you have a teddy and your child also has a teddy. Say “look, my teddy’s jumping, make your teddy jump” etc. At first, let your child copy the actions you perform with the toy. Gradually see if your child will start responding to a request only.

Singing songs with actions. Many nursery rhymes are useful here, for example, Jack and Jill, Incy Wincy Spider. Encourage your child to join in the actions.

Begin with 2 or 3 objects. Show these to your child and name each one.

Hide the objects in places where they are easily found (e.g. on a low chair, under a table). Ask your child “where is the spoon?” and then ask them to find the object. Remember to ask for one single item at a time.

If your child enjoys looking at pictures and recognises that these show real objects, then you could use clear, single pictures for the objects and play the game with pictures.

These are ideal situations for helping your child to understand names for parts of the body.

Talk to your child as you help with these activities, for example, “Your shoes go on your feet” or “Let’s dry your hands”.

Encourage your child to point to parts of their body on request, for example: “Where’s your tummy?” or “Show me your arms.” You may need to use a mirror to help your child become more familiar with parts of the body.