A speech and language programme delivered through our Family Hubs service is building a lifelong love of reading for a Middlesbrough mum and son.

Following her child’s two-year development review, Gemma was referred to the Let’s Talk programme to support her son, Reggie’s speech.

The programme shares lots of tips on how you can use books to help support your toddler’s communication skills and develop their reading habits.

Reflecting on her experience, Gemma said: “I felt a bit nervous at first but the more sessions I attended, the more confident and comfortable I became.

“We read loads more now, pretty much every day, before we would never hardly read at all.

“I take my time when I read with him now, and I describe the pictures whereas before I would just try to get from the beginning to the end of the book as quick as I could!

“By taking more time, I have found that Reggie interacts more when we look at books now and he will point to the pictures and try to tell me what they are – as a result his speech is coming on loads!

“I would say to anyone who is offered the Let’s Talk programme, definitely do it. It does help, I didn’t think it would at first, but it did, and Reggie is saying more words now. I would 100% recommend it.”

Parents of two-year-olds who meet the criteria can take part in the Let’s Talk programme. To find out more, contact your local Family Hub on 01642 579120 or visit our parenting support webpage.