The Let’s Talk programme which supports parents to improve their children’s communication skills continues to receive high praise.

Delivered by our Early Years & Family Hub Workers, the programme provides practical ideas and tips to help develop young children’s language and speech.

Aifet and her daughter, Seerat took part in the programme in March following a conversation with their health visitor at Seerat’s 2-year development review.

Aifet said: “Seerat communicates more now – she was not talking that much before, and she talks all the time now.

“She is putting more than four words together and her words are clearer than they were before.

“Let’s Talk taught me to spend more time playing with Seerat and it has made her more social – we do lots of different activities now.

“We sing nursery rhymes together and Seerat has started to sing the words of songs.

“I am applying the techniques I learnt with Seerat to my baby son too – he loves looking at books.”

Parents of two-year-olds who meet the criteria can take part in the Let’s Talk programme. For further help and support, contact your local Family Hub on 01642 579120.