Win a makeover and professional photoshoot!
Congratulations if you have recently welcomed a new bundle of joy – you are doing a fantastic job, Middlesbrough mams!
If you are passionate about breastfeeding your baby and want to inspire other local mams, we would love to hear from you.
Apply to be a Mamazing Ambassador where you’ll be treated to the ultimate pamper session and a professional photoshoot with your adorable newborn.
As a Mamazing Ambassador, you’ll share your breastfeeding story and create a magical memory with your little one.
The photoshoot will take place on either 17 or 18 March, where our friendly Family Hubs staff will be on hand to care for your baby whilst you enjoy some well-deserved me time. Your photograph will feature on local advertising boards, across social media and websites.
To become a Mamazing Ambassador, you must be a breastfeeding mam with a baby aged under two years old in the Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland area. Partners and family members are also welcome to nominate someone with their consent.
Please read the terms and conditions below before you apply.
If you’re struggling with the online form, you can download and print off an application form instead. Just fill it in and drop it off at your local Family Hub, or give it to your midwife or health visitor.
The closing date is Sunday 2 March 2025.
We can’t wait to hear from you! If you have any questions, please email
Check the baby and toddler feeding support section if you need advice or support on your feeding journey.
Mamazing Ambassador terms and conditions
- By entering this competition, you give data protection consent to Middlesbrough Council, Redcar and Cleveland Council and Public Health South Tees using your data for the purposes of this competition.
- You must be aged 16 and over and live in Middlesbrough or Redcar and Cleveland to enter. Your child must be aged under 2 years old.
- Only one entry per person is permitted.
- You must submit using the online form or alternatively, please submit paper copies to your local Family Hub, midwife or health visitor.
- By entering, you declare that all information submitted by you is true, current and complete. We reserve the right to verify the eligibility of all entrants.
- All entries must be submitted before the deadline on Sunday 2 March.
- We are not liable for any entries which are lost, delayed or damaged.
- Your personal data will not be used for any other marketing purposes. You can find out more about how Middlesbrough Council uses your data in the Marketing and Communications Team and Public Health South Tees privacy notices.
Ambassador selection process
- Twelve ambassadors who meet the entry criteria will be selected for this campaign.
- The decision of the judges in the selection process will be final.
Makeover and photoshoot
- You must be able to attend one of the photoshoot sessions on either the 17 or 18 March 2025.
- The makeover and photoshoot are non-transferable and cannot be redeemable for cash.
- Your image and words will used on marketing materials, advertising, websites, on social and media and in the local press.
By submitting your entry to this competition, you agree that if successful Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland Council alongside Public Health South Tees may use your images to promote breastfeeding in printed literature for up to two years and on social media indefinitely. You also agree to be quoted by the councils for the purposes of promoting breastfeeding for up to two years.